The First Tooth!

Did you know that tooth decay and cavities are symptoms of a disease called Dental Caries?

A specific form of this disease, Early Childhood Caries, can infect infants as soon as their first tooth pops through.

Why do I brush only one tooth?

Watch our free video to learn how to wipe and brush away the bacteria that can lead to Early Childhood Caries—before it has a chance to damage your baby’s precious teeth.


Our First Tooth! video will help you:

Transition easily from wiping out your baby’s mouth to brushing.

Decide if fluoride toothpaste is right for your infant.

Choose snacks that fuel your child—not the acid-producing bacteria that cause early childhood caries.

Choose the proper sippy cup (and its contents) that promote optimal growth and development.

Find a dentist for their first visit!

Once you understand the disease that can cause tooth decay and cavities in infants and toddlers, Early Childhood Caries, you will no longer question the importance of brushing that first tooth!


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Pregnancy and Infant Oral Health Education

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