I had a few cavities as a young kid and it didn’t impact my life, my overall health, or my ability to function as a human being. It also didn’t make my parents failures. My mom is a dental hygienist – imagine how perplexed she was when her daughter developed cavities! After talking with the babysitter, my mom discovered I had convinced the babysitter to let me take a bottle of Tang (which is an orange flavored drink mix whose first ingredient listed is sugar) to bed with me at naptime. Mystery solved – sugary drinks before nap time or bed time will cause tooth decay quickly. After the offender was removed from my diet, I never had another cavity in my baby teeth. And I was no longer able to talk my babysitter into much of anything after that!
Southshore Skipping Stones exists to give parents and caregivers every advantage in the fight against tooth decay. My mom had the advantage of a degree in dental hygiene, which most caregivers do not have. Even if you haven’t finished high school, our classes and counseling will provide you with enough information to do what my mom was able to do – find out why I was getting cavities and fix the problem before it got out of control.
Having a healthful smile is so much more than healthy teeth and gums – and feeling as though you can guide your family toward healthful choices is very empowering. Signing up for one of our classes or counseling may change your outlook on your own ability to possess a healthful smile. And if your outlook changes, so does that of your children!